Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Music Meme

I wanted to write this morning and I'm starting to feel like my posts are getting a little bitchy. Solution? Blog meme! So here's my music meme. (Needless to say, I stole stole it from some random nobody out in the blogosphere.)

What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
About 18 gigs. I have almost my entire collection digitized, so I can carry it all on my ipod. When I think about getting on an airplane with 400 cds in 2 huge-ass disc wallets, I just shake my head.

The CD you last bought?
I bought the Spamalot soundtrack a couple weeks ago. As a general rule, I don't BUY cds, but I felt like it was worth having the whole thing rather than going through the trouble of trying to download each individual song via WinMX.

What was the last song you listened to before reading this message?
"You Can Call Me Al" by Paul Simon. I've got my ipod plugged into my computer speakers at work at the moment. Listening to my "Over Easy" list, in case you wondered.

Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
Let's see... This could change a lot from day to day, but here goes.

1. "Find Your Grail" from the Spamalot soundtrack- I listen to it most mornings on my way to work. Nice mood to it and I love Sara Ramirez' voice.(She's kind of a hottie, too.)

2. "Studebaker" by Jordan Zevon - It's from Enjoy Every Sandwich, the tribute to Warren Zevon album. Warren wrote it but never had a chance to record it before he died. Very cool Zevon vibe and very nice piano part. Also uses a really original chord progression that I truly wish I was talented enough to write myself.

3. "Sad Songs Say So Much" by Elton John - The song that turned me on to Elton John when I was only 5 or 6 years old. Not necessarily his best, but I have a lot of good memories of riding in the car and singing it with my mom. "I Just Called to Say I Love You" by Steveie Wonder and "The Longest Time" by Billy Joel also fall into this category. (That would be the "Cheesy-Ass songs you're embarrassed to like but stuck with them due to childhood memories" category.)

4. "Beast of Burden" by the Rolling Stones - Again, not a great song, per se, but I have great memories of driving down the highway with B and Nate sticking their heads out the windows and singing to the whole world. The time of my life when I realized that the only thing I needed to have in common with my friends was our outlook on life.

5. "Forever" by Kiss - This was our first dance at our wedding reception. "Cheesy early-nineties' power ballad," you say? Hah! We got married in 2000! So by then it was a "classic". Its good stuff and I truly believe it. (I know it's cheesy. I'm cheesy. I've learned to live with it.)

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
Andrew Andrew, because he loves music almost as much as I do. S.A., because I think the "Forever" stuff might get me a few brownie points. And Amy, because she's the 3rd person I know with a blog. (I'm kind of pitiful, aren't I?)

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