Friday, August 26, 2005


After about 2 weeks of being absolutely up to my eyeballs in jobs to do at work, I've hit a momentary lull. Though I suppose I could spend this extra time wisely, possibly getting ahead on some projects, since I know that it'll be much more difficult to get to them in the future, I've really just been killing time for about the last hour. I've read all my regular web sites (,, and checked in with all my regular blogs (S.A., Drew, Amy) and now I've got nothing to do.
Now, mind you, I did manage to offend someone with a comment I left at one blog, so I had to leave another comment clarifying the first comment and making sure no-one thought I was ripping on the blogger. (Good grief... I spend so much time back-peddling, I should play cornerback.) And Drew's not adding much to his blog today. Something about power outages due to some hurricane in Miami. S.A. and Amy seem to be focusing on their actual jobs, so they're not writing either.

All in all, I need more stuff to read. I used to read Dave Barry's column in the Miami Herald every so often, but he retired from regular writing, so it's just reprints now. I get tired of reading politics right now, since nothing's really happening because everyone in the federal government is on vacation right now. Ironic, isn't it. I wonder if the kids getting shot at overseas get a vacation.

Anyway, if anybody's got any good suggestions, pass 'em along. Know any blogs worth reading? (The quality and style of the writing is much more important to me than the actual content.) I'm all ears. Alright. Time to waste more time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you're a fan of the harry potter series. its a fun read for 20 mins or so. i know sites that have graphics, animations and stuff.. not a lot of reg bloggers.

she has some cool illustrations.