Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Big News

Alright. After spending the last 3 days calling people, I feel that I can now safely write this without risking too many important people finding out about it via my blog, which seems a bit impersonal.

S.A.'s pregnant.

Needless to say, we're more than a little bit excited. We found out on Friday afternoon, and the due date isn't until April, so we've got a long, scary, way to go, but this is great news. (Also, it looks like I'm the father. So that's a relief.) As it's so early in the process, we don't really know anything, but we do know that there were 2 eggs this month, which means that twins are a possibility. Oh joy. A month ago I'd have given... well, anything for twins. Now that I know we're pregnant, however, I'm a bit apprehensive about being responsible for more than 1 infant. C'est la vie, I guess.

It was a very exciting weekend. We both got to tell our folks exactly the way we'd hoped to, ever since we first discussed having kids. I gave my parents a sign that used to hang on my grandparents cottage saying "Welcome to Grandma & Grandpa's" and Sarah gave her mom a book called "My Granny's Purse". (If you're not familiar with it, check out Amazon.com. It's very cool.) S.A.'s dad teared up, which was VERY cool, because he's not generally the outwardly emotional type.

All in all, a very good weekend. Anyway, it sounds like I'll have something else to talk about now, but we'll see where it leads. Thanks to everyone for all your good thoughts and prayers and I promise I'll keep y'all informed.



Andrew said...

Congratulations (again)! With twins (Elton and Gene, I'm assuming) you'd have enough family members to start a band.

Spike said...

Thanks. I think Elton may be a tough sell by S.A., but hey, I suppose it's worth a try.

Anonymous said...

A little advise for the blood-shy:

When there is labor going on - stay near the head of the mother - NOT the head of the baby.

And when they say "crowning" they do not mean a royal ceremony is pending. You may think your children are royality, but believe me, that is not a good time to check!

Congrats and I'm excited. A lot, a lot.

Spike said...

Nobody with blood issues around here. Needles, yes. But blood's okay. Also, I've always wanted a lizard. And I know from my own baby pictures that there's a decent chance we'll be having one. :)

Anonymous said...

congratulations !