Friday, July 29, 2005

Stupid People...

I'm a technology trainer who works most of the day on the phone. Once in a while I deal while someone who makes me want to scream. Today was one of those days. Thankfully, I, too, have a helpline I can contact. Thanks again, Drew. This is the transcript of our conversation.

[12:24] JoesGolfWorks: I HATE STUPID PEOPLE!!!!
[12:25] zaphodbb1: there's so many of them
[12:25] zaphodbb1: there are so many of them? there're so many of them?
[12:25] zaphodbb1: me hate them too
[12:26] JoesGolfWorks: Argh.
[12:26] zaphodbb1: what's up?
[12:26] JoesGolfWorks: I'm in the middle of a phone training with a moron.
[12:27] JoesGolfWorks: What's USB?
[12:27] JoesGolfWorks: I plug it in where?
[12:27] JoesGolfWorks: How many times should I push the button when I double-click?
[12:27] JoesGolfWorks: Does it open faster if I click it more?
[12:29] JoesGolfWorks: If I stick my hand in a running blender, will it hurt?
[12:29] zaphodbb1: (1) It stands for Unified Server Bitrate. You need to purchase a collateral systematic defibrillator for it to properly coagulate the parse-rate. (2) Find a hole that fits and jam it in. If it won't go all the way, try harder. (3) Three. (4) No, it stores the clicks up for next time so you don't have to click as often.
[12:30] JoesGolfWorks: LOL
[12:30] JoesGolfWorks: Thank you. I needed that.
[12:31] zaphodbb1: Any time.
[12:33] zaphodbb1: I don't have the patience for tech support. I did it for a month, and that was enough for a lifetime.

Ah, friends.


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