Thursday, July 21, 2005

ABC list

Hey gang. Remember my comment about my willingness to steal other folks ideas? Well, here's yet another example. I'm copying this ABC list from S.A., who got it from Drew, who stole it from Jezzy. See? Originality is highly overrated.

A is for Age: 27
B is for Booze: Not a big drinker. Probably Woodchuck's Draft Cider.
C is for Career: I do not have a career yet. I have a job. It's a decent job, even a good one, but if I'm still doing it in 10 years, I hope someone will have the decency to shoot me.
D is for Dad's name: Tomas (Okay, not really, but it's close.)
E is for Essential Item to bring to a Party: Poker Chips
F is for Favorite Songs at the Moment: Well, I listened to "Find Your Grail" twice on the way to work today.
G is for Goof-off thing to do: Well, it's 2:13 p.m. and writing on my blog probably isn't in my job description...
H is for Hometown: Burt Lake, MI
I is for Instrument you play: Piano, harmonica, and I'm gonna learn to play bass guitar.
J is for Jam or Jelly you like: Orange Marmalade
K is for Kids: Did you not read my earlier comments about fertility shots???
L is for Living arrangement: 3 bedroom house with my wife, our 12 fish, and our squatter/roommate, who's gonna have to move out soon and is costing me sleep because I feel so guilty about that fact.
M is for Mom's name: Cathy
N is for Name of best friend: My wife says I talk about her too much on my blog, so instead I'll say Kevin. Though I could justifiably say Drew. Or Jen. Or Nate. At times like this, I feel honestly lucky.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Numerous.
P is for Phobias: Seriously claustrophobic. But only with people. I'm okay with small spaces. And I don't like heights unless I'm in control. In other words, climbing 100-ft tree - Good. Standing on 20-foot ladder - BAD.
Q is for Quote you like: "The National Rifle Association says that, "Guns don't kill people, uh, people do." But I think, I think the gun helps. You know? I think it helps. I just think just standing there going, "Bang!" That's not going to kill too many people, is it? You'd have to be really dodgy on the heart to have that."- Eddie Izzard
R is for Relationship that lasted longest: I met my wife on July 4th, 1998. We've been together ever since.
S is for Siblings: 1 younger sister. She's working hard at becoming a normal person. I've decided not to give up hope. She's single, so if you're a very intelligent guy with a good sense of humor, but some significant flaw that's not too terrible, but is something you have to overcome, we're taking applications.
T is for Texas, ever been?: Drove through the panhandle as a kid.
U is for Unique trait: I'm gonna have to update this later. Nothing is springing immediately to mind. Please feel free to submit suggestions.
V is for Vegetables you love: I love Brussels Sprouts. And Drew does not know what he's talking about.
W is for Worst traits: Unreasonable optimism. (Seriously. You have no idea how often this bites me in the ass.)
X is for X rays you've had: You name it, they've x-rayed it.
Y is for Yummy food you make: Zuchini casserole
Z is for Zodiac sign: Aries



Sarah said...


At the "R is for relationship..." Um....we did actually "split" for a while when you went back to school that fall. Remember? "I love you but I'm not IN love with you." It just so happens that you discovered (only too late) that you couldn't live without me.

But...long sotry short..."And they lived happily ever and then." (Thanks to JB for the quote)

Anonymous said...

Its funneh the way you put your life into words, but definitely a good read like someone said earlier!
Take care.

Spike said...

Thanks. I'm tellin' y'all, I don't have nearly the sharp turn of phrase as S.A...

Jezzy said...

Aww - I liked the bit about you being unrealistically optimistic.