Thursday, July 07, 2005

Off and Limping...

I've thought about it for a little while and I've come to the decision that I don't know enough people personally to get my message out effectively via word-of-mouth. Hence, this blog.

Now all I need to decide is what my message is. Here's what I know. I'm a small business owner (Really small.) and I'm moderately well educated. I'm also very opinionated. So I figure that pretty well qualifies me to talk about whatever I bloody well please. If you disagree with anything I say, please feel free to comment on it. I will respect anyone who can present a cogent argument to any opinion I might express. However, if you don't anything logical and intelligent to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING.

I'll probably check in later this afternoon with something worth writing, but until then, Laterz. (To quote my good friend, Mr. Steve.)

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