Friday, July 22, 2005

Back on my soapbox.

And now a few words on John Roberts.

President Hitler, oops... I mean Bush has recently nominated John Roberts to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court. I've been reading everything I can find on him and I'm starting to form an opinion. I have to warn my loyal friends and readers that you may want to sit on your hands for a moment.
I'm think he might be okay.
HOLD ON!!! I know he's a conservative! I don't agree with his politics either! But...
From what I've read, he looks like the kind of judge who actually makes his legal decisions on LEGAL grounds, rather than using his own personal beliefs. He's be nominated by a conservative Christian president, so we're not gonna get another Ginsberg. This guy seems, better than a number of the names I saw batted around.
So today's assignment, class, is to get me more info. I still don't know enough about this guy to really get up in arms one way or the other. If you've seen something I should read, let me know. Aright, let me know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that's what I call the Preznit too! I disagree about Roberts though. He is all about increasing the profit margins of the military-industrial complex. I think his ideal vision of society resembles something along the lines of medieval feudalism.