Monday, July 25, 2005

Spike in Portugese

I have a site counter for this blog. I put in on as a sort of lark, but I figured, hey, why not. So I check it periodically and it gives me some interesting info. Like for instance, I know that as i type this, there is a visitor reading my blog from central Georgia. (The state, not the ex-Russian republic.) Anyway, I was looking through the available stats as I kill time before I can go home, and I noticed that almost 4% of the people who read my blog do so in PORTUGESE. I looked at the time zone map that shows me how many people read my blog in each time zone and it doesn't look like I have many readers in western Europe which leads me to believe that I have readers in Brazil. This blows my mind. I've never been to Brazil and I know that much of the country is rain forests and whatnot, but I'm saying right now- If someone is reading my blog, rather than sitting on a topless beach in Rio, their priorities are a bit screwy. But anyway, I'm interested now. The time zone map says I've got readers in Europe, Asia, South America... All the hell over the place. So from now on, if you're from somewhere other than the U.S. , leave a comment, or else a note on the tagboard. For that matter, if you're from the U.S., leave a note. I wanna see where my message is going out to. And also if there are any governments I should apologize to for spreading this drivel. So let me know.



Uma das fogueirinhas said...

Hey there! Following your orders (now I feel a bit whipped, :)...), I'm reading you from São Paulo, Brazil, and as opposed to what you believe, fortunately or not, there's more to this country than being topless (which btw is forbidden by law even though people do it anyway 'cos who'd check that?) in RJ... on the other hand, now that you've mentioned it I kinda miss the beach... hm... what are the odds my boss believes I got the flu on a Friday???? :)

Spike said...

It's illegal to be topless in Rio??? You mean I can't believe everything I see in cheesy old Demi Moore / Michael Caine movies? I'm feeling very disillusioned... (You probably shouldn't advertise the fact that it's illegal. It might hurt tourism. I'd guess moron Americans on a search for boobies make up a significant portion of the beach-goers at certain times of year.)