Thursday, July 21, 2005

Greedy Bastards and Irony

Good afternoon, boys & girls!

Random thoughts-
Does anyone else find it ironic that I am a professional technology trainer, who teaches computer applications classes all day, every day, and my desktop machine has a 300 mhz, PII processor?

I bought the Spamalot soundtrack last weekend and so far I've managed to listen to 1 and 1/2 songs on it. It's like the world is conspiring against me. First, I can't listen to it in the car because Uncle Stan would NOT enjoy it. Then I forget to bring it to work with me. Then I bring it to work, only to realize that my stone-age computer DOES NOT HAVE A CD-ROM DRIVE. Then I forget to bring it home from work. Good grief. Well, "Find Your Grail" is good, anyway...
Which leads me to...

For those of you who are not yet my close personal friends, (Give it time, I can only have so many friends at a given time. I'm sure I'll get to you sooner or later, when my current crop of friends realizes what an ass I am.) I love Monty Python. Specifically, I love Eric Idle. He realeased a new book this spring called "The Greedy Bastard Diary", which is (mostly) about his most recent North American tour. He also talks a great deal about his personal life including his friend, the late genius George Harrison.
Seriously, it's a GREAT book. I'm not sure why it's so great, but it definitely is. Everyone should read it just because it'll make you feel good. Just wanted to mention that.

My wife has a blog now, too. I realize I'm really biased, but I'm telling you she's a great writer. I love to read her blog, and I live in it, so it's not like there's a ton of new info there for me. Check it out. And feel free to leave inappropriate comments from anonymous email addresses, too, because I love to freak her out.

As I type this, I'm drinking something called "SoBe No Fear" sugar-free energy drink. It tastes like cat piss. (Or at least how I imagine cat piss would taste. I've not tasted cat piss, but I've certainly smelled enough of it, thanks to the little bastards who live in my shop and have an unreasonable aversion to their litter box.) Seriously, why does someone not develop a decent tasting sugar-free energy drink. Hansen's Diet Red isn't bad, and Sugar-Free Red Bull isn't awful, but seriously, can't someone just take and existing soft drink (Diet Coke, perhaps?) and jack up the caffiene content?

Alright, I might check in later.



Anonymous said...

This is just another idea, add a tagboard to your blog, i also kopied that idea.
PS: Dont ask me how I found your blog

Anonymous said...

Dude, I like No Fear, it helps me get big. I also wish I was British. Greetings from Rottenchester, NY!