Thursday, November 02, 2006

Valid comments from chickens*** commenters

I received a comment on yesterday's entry, "SA kicks ass."

The comment was left by "Anonymous" which completely pisses me off. If you are going to express an opinion, PUT A NAME WITH IT. Grow some cojones. I'm not saying you have to use your proper name (notice that mine does not show up anywhere on this blog) but put some identifier with your ideas so people can respond to them.

That said, here's the comment.

Anonymous said...

Doesn’t that onesie idea make you think about the alternative? It’s a pretty ugly thought. Anyway, why do you feel the need to polarize everyone you consider a “republican” into mindless Bush-drones. That’s almost as ignorant as pretending like it’s cool to have to have the right to pick and choose which babies are wanted enough to deserve a birthday.

I feel VERY strongly about abortion. If you want a more complete explanation of those feelings, read my entry from the Roe v. Wade Anniversary. Or better yet, read SA's, also from Jan 22nd. She got quite a bit of national blog press for hers. But here's my quickie response to the comment.

There are 3 separate issues addressed here. So allow me to respond to them in order.

1. I think about the alternative all the time. My son is a miracle. We did not think we'd be able to have him, so I'm incredibly thankful for every moment I'm with him. Personally, I'm totally against abortion. I just don't feel that my personal feelings should dictate the law.

2. My habit of "polariz[ing] everyone [I] consider a “republican” into mindless Bush-drones" is certainly over-simplifying things. I currently vote mostly (though not completely) along Democratic Party lines even though I disagree with a few issues here and there, because I strongly agree with the major issues. I don't accuse most people who read my blog (especially those who take the time to comment) of being "mindless". On the contrary, people who agree with the current Republic stance on abortion are "myopic and self-centered" and people who agree with their stance on Gay rights and diversity issues are "bigots".

3. Anyone who suggests that anything related to abortion is "cool" is an ass. However, living in a country where we get to make decisions about ourselves for ourselves, IS "cool". Christ... Lately it's about the only good thing I can say about living here. (BTW- That, too, was hyperbole, lest it be otherwise lost on you.) And again, if you really want a detailed explanation of why I'm Pro-Choice, read my Roe v. Wade entry.

Alright, back down off my soapbox. At least for a little while.

Oh yes... Thanks for commenting. Please come again. (Seriously.)


Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Conservatives are basically all pod people that aren't worth talking to. It's really sad when you can completely anticipate their arguments because you know they've received this week's hate-filled talking points from Rush, Ann, Sean, or one of the other hate-mongers out there.

Yeah, hate-mongers is a strong term but an accurate one. If you can stand it go spend some time listening to conservative talk radio. Then go do some research about the tone and content of the Rwandan radio stations operating during the genocide during the 90s. They're eerily similar.

After we withdraw from Iraq I can't wait for the pod people to start pushing the backstab meme about people who just want to live in peace with their fellow man.

You know who else pushed the backstab legend?

That's right! Sieg Heil and have a good day!

Anonymous said...

It’s me again, your lone dissident. You’ll see I’ve chosen a name this time. (Sorry, I didn’t know I would be touching such a nerve by remaining anonymous) Anyway, I did read your explanation regarding your Roe vs. Wade decision. It seems a little illogical. Of course we as a society need to govern based on morality. How else do we maintain peace? I know you want to sound all “open minded”, but realistically, laws against murdering people are in place because most people have a moral conscience that tells them that killing another human is wrong. It’s not okay for a mother to kill her child after the baby is born, why do we accept it as a norm because the baby is still gestating. A law should never let someone’s morality (or lack thereof) hurt another human and that’s what’s happening.

It can’t be both ways to ease your conscience about your moot point of having to choose which of your unborn babies to kill. I understand that this may sound callous, but it’s either murder or not, and after reading your blog I think you agree that unborn life is valid human life.

The other point I previously made regarding the Republican issue, I will somewhat acquiesce. I misunderstood your stance and after reading some more of your blog, although I disagree with your stance on what “pro-choice” means, you are looking at the issues and not just the term “Republican” vs. “Democrat’. I wish people would stop associating themselves with a corrupt political (they both are) party and deal with the issues. The only voice being heard in Washington now is that of the big money parties that I don’t feel represent most of America.

Now I’ll get off my soapbox. I hope I didn’t offend too highly.

Sarah said...

Food for thought...

If "morals" were such a great motivator for people NOT to commit a wrong, then we wouldn't need laws, would we? If "morals" were so absolutely black and white and so unbiased, then we could just live on the basis of morals and skip the whole legal mumbo jumbo all together. So I don't suppose that basing laws on morals is such a great idea. It's like looking at the world through an empty paper towel tube and pretending it's a telescope. It doesn't make anything at all clearer or more's just an obstruction to viewing the whole picture.